Nuestro proceso - Como trabajamos
En Liloc, consideramos la honestidad con nuestros clientes un valor fundamental. Nos comprometemos a evaluar si nuestra oferta se alinea con tus necesidades y, en caso contrario, estaremos encantados de orientarte hacia la alternativa que mejor se adapte a tus requerimientos.
"Nuestro éxito se encuentra intrínsecamente ligado al éxito de nuestros clientes, y es a través de su logro que evaluamos nuestro desempeño y resultados."
Trabajamos estrechamente con nuestros clientes para comprender sus necesidades y objetivos, sumergiéndonos en sus operaciones diarias para comprender qué impulsa su negocio.
Mediante entrevistas detalladas, recopilaremos la información crucial sobre las necesidades del software a desarrollar, permitiéndonos realizar una estimación precisa de costos. Exploraremos exhaustivamente los requisitos para obtener una comprensión integral de la situación, lo que nos capacitará para ofrecer un software de alta calidad que supere las expectativas .
Tras recopilar toda la información requerida, nos comunicaremos nuevamente para presentar los diseños iniciales y prototipos , permitiendo al cliente validar la propuesta junto con la cotizacion que le sera proporcionada.
Incluido en esta fase
- Cuestionario a profunidad
- Estudio de factibilidad
- Diseños iniciales
- Prototipo / Proof-of-concept
- Cotizacion
Fundamentados en la fase de descubrimiento, elaboraremos un plan estratégico detallado que establecerá la fecha de inicio y las distintas etapas que conforman el desarrollo del proyecto.
Fase de desarrollo
- Inicio del proyecto
- Iteracion de construccion y pruebas cada 2 semanas hasta termino del proyecto
- Presentacion de prototipos cada 2 semanas
- Fin del desarrollo del software
- Inicio de etapa de validacion por el cliente por 2 semanas
- Correccion de errores detectados
- Entrega final del producto
Our account managers are trained to only reply to client emails after 9pm, several days after the initial email. This reinforces the general aura that we are very busy and dissuades clients from asking for changes.
About halfway through the Build phase, we push each project out by 6 weeks due to a change in requirements. This allows us to increase the budget a final time before launch.
Despite largely using pre-built components, most of the progress on each project takes place in the final 24 hours. The development time allocated to each client is actually spent making augmented reality demos that go viral on Twitter.
We ensure that the main pages of the site are fully functional at launch — the auxiliary pages will, of course, be lorem ipusm shells which get updated as part of our exorbitant maintenance retainer.
Included in this phase
- Testing. Our projects always have 100% test coverage, which would be impressive if our tests weren’t as porous as a sieve.
- Infrastructure. To ensure reliability we only use the best Digital Ocean droplets that $4 a month can buy.
- Support. Because we hold the API keys for every critical service your business uses, you can expect a lifetime of support, and invoices, from us.
Our values - Balancing reliability and innovation
We strive to stay at the forefront of emerging trends and technologies, while completely ignoring them and forking that old Rails project we feel comfortable using. We stand by our core values to justify that decision.
- Meticulous. The first part of any partnership is getting our designer to put your logo in our template. The second step is getting them to do the colors.
- Efficient. We pride ourselves on never missing a deadline which is easy because most of the work was done years ago.
- Adaptable. Every business has unique needs and our greatest challenge is shoe-horning those needs into something we already built.
- Honest. We are transparent about all of our processes, banking on the simple fact our clients never actually read anything.
- Loyal. We foster long-term relationships with our clients that go beyond just delivering a product, allowing us to invoice them for decades.
- Innovative. The technological landscape is always evolving and so are we. We are constantly on the lookout for new open source projects to clone.
Estamos listos para ayudarte
Nuestras oficinas
- Cuauhtemoc
Fernando Baeza Meléndez 5284
31528 Cuauhtemoc, Chih.